
Journal of Political Thought Submission Guidelines
The Journal of Political Thought accepts original, unpublished student work related to political thought, broadly understood. We accept papers on topics ranging from, but not limited to, political philosophy, the history of political thought, the intersection of public policy and normative theory, and contemporary social theory. Submissions may be papers written for any purpose, including courses, but must be entirely the author’s own work. There is no limit to the number of papers an individual may submit.
The deadline for submitting a paper to be considered for the Summer, 2016 issue is Friday, May 20th.
Papers should be submitted as .doc or .docx files via email to Please include the word “Submission” in the subject of your email.
In your email please include your name, university and degree program, expected graduation year, phone number, and major and/or department. 
To facilitate blind review of submissions, papers should not include any identifying information, including the author’s name or the course or professor the paper was originally written for.
Formatting and Length
  • Papers should be between 15 and 25 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, with one-inch margins.
  • Citations and notes may follow any widely recognized academic citation style (such as The Chicago Manual of Style or the APSA Style Manual for Political Science) but must be consistent throughout the paper.
  • Each page should be numbered in the top right-hand corner.
Please address questions to